Why I Didn’t Have a Hair Transplant at HRBR

In December 2012 I decided to have a hair transplant with HRBR. I booked a date for July 2013 and spent the intervening months saving hard and eagerly anticipating the change which 2000 follicular units would make to my receding hairline. The idea of being cosseted for hours by Dr. Collins’ team while I watched DVDs was particularly appealing. It would contrast sharply with my previous experiences of surgery which were anything but relaxing. In 2005 I had my third angioplasty procedure to open blockages in my arteries and suffered all the trauma which accompanies life-saving heart surgery. Suffice to say I wasn’t watching DVDs while my cardiologist cleared the pathways to my heart.

By July 2013 I had put most thoughts of previous ill-health behind me. I asked my cardiologist if he could approve my coming off blood-thinning medication for ten days prior to the transplant procedure. He couldn’t. This was a huge disappointment to me. Dr. Collins’ team researched my particular case and he was able to show me recent medical findings which justified my cardiologist’s reluctance to take me off aspirin. The chances of the blood thinner causing serious health complications during surgery were, he explained, very low but still present. A more likely outcome was that the aspirin might cause me to bleed to such a degree that the new hair implants mightn’t take hold. This simply wouldn’t be obvious until the surgery was in progress. Dr. Collins offered me a safe test transplant of 200 hairs. If the test went okay then I could, he said, proceed to have a full transplant at a later date I was deeply impressed by his reluctance to take any chances with my health. A less scrupulous individual might have minimised the risks of surgery, talked up the likelihood of a successful outcome and pocketed the money.

In the end I decided not to have the test session or the full transplant. So why am I bothering to tell you this? Well you may be suffering from hair loss and you may be wondering who can be trusted to look after your best interests and not their own. My experience with HRBR is that they will put the patient before profit. They will treat you with unfailing patience and kindness and guarantee you the highest ethical standards and medical care. I shall continue to attend Dr. Collins. Sometime in the future I may again consider having a hair transplant. If I do, I shall look no further than Dr. Collins and his team at HRBR.

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