Patient Testimonial, Dec, 2009

Dear Maurice,

This is just a short note to express my appreciation to yourself, Jo and the team for what I consider to be a wonderful result from my two FUT sessions in June 2007 and June 2008.

As you know, I had extensive hair loss (Norwood VI at least) and in my early fifties had more or less written off the possibility of achieving a satisfactory hair transplant. At that stage in my life I had learned to live with my baldness – I felt I had no choice – but it was always an irritant. So when by chance one evening I stumbled upon a report on Irish TV from a reputable programme on the impressive work of your clinic I just knew I had to find out more via a consultation. The big questions was could your team and your procedures help me? The answer, to my delight, was an encouraging “yes we can”.

The consultation with you was most informative. Far from being a sales pitch, I felt it was a caring approach from someone who genuinely wanted to help someone else with a problem. I don’t want to dwell on this because I know you’re an honest man, but I was struck by your relaxed yet serious approach, your honesty and above all your integrity. I know the latter is a judgement call but I have no doubts I was and am right. This was perhaps the most important factor in my decision to put my head in your hands. To have trust and confidence in your surgeon is of the utmost importance.

Having a new natural looking head of hair will not change peoples’ personalities or solve their problems in life. However it is a marvellous feeling to know you have achieved a look that you yearned for for so many years and don’t have to worry about anymore. Some people might have preferred my bald look but I know in my heart that I am very very happy with my new look.

To anyone contemplating this procedure all I can say is that it worked for me and worked very well. Also if Dr. Collins tells you there is a good prospect of success – believe him. The outcome for me exceeded my wildest expectations. If my Fairy Godmother had granted me three wishes come true this definitely would have been one of them.

Once again Maurice, a million thanks to you, Jo and the team. Continued success in the future with your marvellous endeavours and I look forward to seeing you again in 2010.

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