Huge burst of growth, can’t believe it. Really happy with the last week. It’s like one minute I had very little and this week it took off. Really very happy with the progress right now. Getting some great feedback from my friends and family. The wait has been worth it, it really has. It feels good to finally have hair again. It’s hard to put into words, not only am I getting my hair back but I am also focusing on goals which I had years ago. In my own personal circumstances I felt that hair loss did effect me in ways that were not even apparent until now. I will explain exactly what I mean a bit later and hopefully I will be able to show you some examples. Again I do want to reiterate that this is my own personal circumstance, I am sure there are plenty of people out there who have had hair loss and it has absolutely no effect on them whatsoever, there is absolutely nothing wrong with hair loss, or baldness for that matter. For me though I always looked for a solution and really felt not having hair did not quite suit me. Again this is a totally personal decision and, to be perfectly frank, it’s one I am glad I have made. When I hit the six month mark I will put a picture up of the change.
Gary 🙂