Hair transplant post op care instructions

Hair transplant surgery is a delicate procedure. The days and weeks following your transplant procedure are critically important, which is why our patients are provided with individual post op instructions by their HRBR hair transplant surgeon and medical team. Your adherence to these post-operative instructions is essential for optimal results. To ensure a successful outcome, it’s vital that patients follow all hair transplant post op care instructions. This hair transplant surgery post op timeline should help patients to understand what to expect in the days and weeks after surgery. These instructions are meant to accompany the individual hair transplant post op instructions given to each patient.

Immediately after surgery

Post op care instructions for the time period immediately after your surgery involves spraying the transplanted area with a saline solution. You’ll need to spray the transplanted area, the stitches and the donor area every 20 minutes for the first 12 hours.

A small spray bottle of saline solution will be provided upon discharge from the clinic. Before you spray, place some towels around your shoulders and as you spray let all the water drip down onto it. When spraying keep the bottle approximately two to three inches from your head and spray vigorously.

Tips for spraying the transplanted and donor areas.

  • Use your left hand to spray your left side and the right hand to spray the right side.
  • Ask a family member or friend to spray for you if it’s more convenient
  • Once you’ve completed the 12 hours of spraying you should sleep for a few hours.

Hair transplant post op days 1 to 3

It is essential for the survival of the transplanted hair grafts that they are kept well hydrated throughout this post op period. Spraying also prevents any scab formation in the transplanted and donor areas. For the next three days you’ll need to spray the transplanted area every half hour during your waking hours. You can sleep as normal at night. In the days immediately post op it is important that you do not touch the transplanted hair.  If you need to comb your hair only do so if it’s soaking wet, gently skim the comb over your hair and do not press the comb down onto your scalp.

Hair transplant post op video

This helpful video provides practical demonstrations of HRBR’s hair transplant post op care instructions such as spraying the hair, how to comb the hair and washing the hair.

Hair transplant post op days 4 to 14

On day four following your hair transplant surgery you will commence your tea tree shampoo regime following the steps below:

  • Fill a clean bowl with tepid water
  • Add a dollop of tea tree shampoo and mix it well with the water until it is soapy
  • Use a cup or a jug to pour the solution carefully over the transplanted and donor areas
  • In the transplanted area pat down gently on the grafts and wash the suture line gently using a circular motion
  • Ensure all the sides are rinsed off using ordinary clean water

We recommend that you allow your hair to dry naturally, but if necessary, you may pat it dry gently with a clean towel. This regime should be followed once per day from days four to fourteen.

Hair transplant post op instructions

Other important points to note in the days and weeks after your hair transplant.

During the initial 14 days post op

  • Please do not wear a hat
  • Before spraying and before applying the tea tree shampoo use the alcohol hand gel provided
  • Do not use a power shower
  • Do not use any hair products
  • Do not use a hairdryer

For four weeks post op

  • It’s vitally important to avoid heavy lifting
  • Avoid strenuous exercise, including but not limited to, gym work, swimming, cycling, tennis, golf. This is to avoid any stretching of the scar
  • Throughout this period wash your hands regularly

Your stitches will be removed seven to ten days after the procedure.

FUE Hair transplant post op instructions

For fue hair transplant procedures follow all the same post op instructions as indicated in the above information, however, you may return to exercise after 14 days.

Eyebrow transplants post op care

Eyebrow transplant patients should follow all the same post-operative instructions but be sure to use a towel to protect your eyes while spraying.

HRBR Post op contact information

If you have any concerns or questions during the post op period the staff at HRBR will be happy to assist and can be contacted by phone on + 353 1 209 1000 or by email at If the office is unattended and you have an urgent problem, please contact the mobile number of your attending surgeon.

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