A patient’s point of view

“This review is for the person who’s unsure and trying to make the correct decision, please read this review of my experience , this review will save you a lot of time and hassle and help you make the right choice.

After years of searching for a solution and hair fading fast, I began to believed that there wasn’t any solution to my hair loss problem .  I had gone to all the so called hair clinics talked to sales men who were only interested in the sale, All they cared about was me signing up as soon as possible and  I felt under pressure to commit.


These sales men preyed on my vulnerability as they knew I was anxious I now feel very lucky that I didn’t sign up for any of these quick solutions, a quick search on Google or YouTube you can see the botch jobs that many  people have had done, however I  wasted a lot of time and money on rubbish, none of these were going to be a solution as there was little or no improvement from any of these places.for a solution and they prey on that weakness. One in particular would hound me with phone calls for weeks trying to get me to sign up. I had also gone to a so called hair clinic where I would have to go twice a week to have my hair shampooed under a red lamp, this just shows when your desperate for a solution you’d try anything.

One fateful Friday night I stayed in and watched the Late Late show,  one of the segments on the show was a Dr Collins and patients from the HRBR Clinic talking about hair loss.  The discussion was about the transplant process that Dr Collins was using and the testimonials from patients who had the procedure done, I got excited as the results of the three guests were excellent.

So I rang the clinic Monday and organised an appointment .  On arrival for my appointment I was very impressed by the building it is state of the art. My consultation was with a Doctor who specializes in this area, a qualified surgeon not a sales man, there was no feeling of being under any pressure to sign up . The Doctor was  genuinely interested in helping  me and was honest in telling me what he could do. It was refreshing to have such a knowledgeable qualified person to talk to who understood the negative effects of losing your  hair can have. On leaving the Consolation that day I felt happy that I had found the place that would be able to make a real and lasting difference. Looking back now there was nothing he said that he and his team did not deliver on, actually the results have exceeded my  expectations  .

A week or so after the consultation which had gone well I receive a letter to tell me I was a good candidate for the procedure & how many grafts I needed. However  I was disappointed that the price was a  bit more than I had anticipated a little more expensive than I thought it would have been so I contacted the clinic explained that I wasn’t in a position to proceed at this time. so I started to save aggressively for two years knowing that the minute I had enough money that I would return to have my hair issue fixed. Fast  forward two years,  I received a follow up  letter from the clinic  and  I went to see them again . I was in a much better position financially and set the date.

The day of the procedure I was excited as well as nervous . When I arrived and entered the building I was meet by two nurses who were very friendly and escorted me to a room which would be mine for the day , where I could change and have lunch . The nurses and Dr arrived and did a rundown of how the day would go. So first thing which I wasn’t expecting I was brought in to a room with a team of people who worked out the hairline, this was impressive that so many people where there for me, after this I was taken to the operating room where a strip of hair was removed ,this was stitched up and almost immediately I was brought in to have the grafts implanted

 It was an enjoyable day  ,They looked after me very well, I got to look at a movie as a team of people worked away implanting the grafts and in the background. after all the grafts were implanted I left and came back the next day, I didn’t get much sleep as  you need to keep spraying the area every couple of hours this helps it heal quicker.

Two years later and I have never looked back . I don’t worry about my hair anymore  only in a positive way . My experience with HRBR has been life changing  it has made a massive positive difference to my life, it has had a knock on effect  on my confidence, I feel better about myself and when people are in that frame of mind good things happen. . My  self-image is back when I look in the mirror, I am happy with my full head of hair. My self esteem is back, feeling good about yourself is everything.

 HRBR is an amazing place, They looked after me so well and continue to do so with yearly check up’s , putting me first all the time. My advice to anyone suffering with hair loss issues is contact HRBR organise a consultation  talk to qualified people as I did, eventually. Read all the testimonials and look at all the video’s from ordinary people like me and the famous people too. The procedure was not cheap but in my case it was the best investment I have made in myself and it was worth every penny”.



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