Hair Restoration Results at HRBR – A Case Study

This blog post details the hair restoration results achieved by a patient at HRBR over the course of seven years. When our patients come to us to discuss their hair loss they often start out the hair restoration process with medical treatment before undergoing surgery, as was the case with this patient.

Hair Restoration Results – Patient Profile

Patient: 61 year old male

Attending HRBR since: 2010

Challenges: There was a limited supply of donor hair available for transplantation due to hair loss in both the crown and neck.

Photos of Hair Loss Before Treatment

Hair Loss – Medical Treatment Provided: The patient has been taking an FDA approved medication for hair loss and using Minoxidil foam twice a day for a total of 7 years. This has successfully stabilised his hair loss. The patient has never had any side effects or problems with either treatment.

The FDA is the Food and Drug Administration in the USA

Hair Transplant Surgery – Results

The patient has had two hair transplant procedures at HRBR.
Aim of Hair Transplant Surgery: Following consultation with the patient it was agreed that the primary goal of the hair transplant surgery was to provide coverage over the top of the scalp and to reinforce the patient’s hairline.

Grafts Transplanted: 4,616
Hairs Transplanted: 7,763

Photos of Hair Loss After Treatment

Scarring after Hair Transplant Surgery

This patient underwent two FUT hair transplants at HRBR. Our skilled hair transplant surgeons were able to remove the original linear scar during the second surgery and leave the patient with a single linear scar measuring just 1mm in width.

It’s important to remember that scar free surgery is not possible, regardless of whether you choose the FUT or FUE method of hair transplant surgery.

Donor Area Scar – Photos

Hair Restoration Results – Conclusion

The patient’s friends and colleagues are not aware he has had a hair transplant but do tell him he is looking well, he looks healthy, has lost weight and looks younger.

Our patient has given permission for his photographs to be used to assist other patients, as he is very pleased with the results of both his surgery and medical treatment.  He continues to be monitored at HRBR on an annual basis.

If you are experiencing hair loss and would like to discuss your treatment options, contact us today to arrange an appointment to see one of our doctors.

Remember at HRBR we are experts at hair restoration, it’s the only service we provide and we don’t employ sales people.


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