Pat Nevin’s Hair Transplant at HRBR

Pat Nevin is a former Scottish International football player; he now works as a broadcaster and has appeared on BBC Scotland, Channel 5, and other channels. Recently Pat was told by a colleague that his TV work was likely to dry up as a result of his receding hairline. Although shocked, Pat took the comments in the spirit that they were intended and following some thorough research decided to have hair transplant surgery at HRBR, Hair Restoration Blackrock.

“I have to tell you I’m very, very happy with how it went. It’s been fantastic. I do feel younger; the pictures you see show that there has been an improvement. You feel more comfortable and confident in yourself.” Pat Nevin

Pat Nevin’s Hair Transplant at HRBR

As Pat Nevin said, the initial decision to have a hair transplant came following a conversation with a colleague in the broadcasting industry. Balding didn’t bother Pat or affect his confidence. He had thought that his insight, experience and knowledge of the game were sufficient, but the unfortunate reality is that there is an expectation for broadcasters to have a certain image. Having tried the option of shaving his head, Pat decided to investigate hair transplant surgery rather than risk the possibility of missing out on broadcasting opportunities due to his appearance.

Pat started the process of researching his options with regard to hair transplant surgery online. He also talked to his friends and colleagues and sought recommendations from them.  Pat wanted an excellent hair transplant surgeon and a professional team. His research led him to visit HRBR. Pat underwent an FUT hair transplant procedure in January and six days later was on television broadcasting to about 5 million viewers. Nobody noticed that he had had a hair transplant.

Pat Nevin Hair Transplant – Video Testimonial

Pat also discussed the hair transplant procedure itself; having had a number of operations during the course of his professional football career, Pat commented that the hair transplant surgery was not painful, just a little uncomfortable and he was awake throughout, as are all patients at HRBR.

Has hair transplant surgery changed Pat Nevin’s life?

No. What most frequently happens is people don’t seem to say anything about his hair, they just say “you look a bit younger today”, or “you look really well today” but they never seem to know why. Nobody has asked if he has had work done, but Pat is happy to explain the changes. When he talks about having had hair surgery, people usually respond with a nervous laugh, then follow up by asking where he had his hair transplant surgery done.

Pat Nevin’s Advice to people considering hair transplant surgery.

Pat wasn’t overly concerned about the balding process, but acknowledges that for some people it can be a big issue in their lives. That’s part of the reason he is so happy to be open about his own procedure. He acknowledges the vanguard of actors and pro-footballers who have made hair transplant procedures part of main-stream conversation, by acknowledging the work they have had done, and speaking so openly about it.  As Pat says to anyone considering hair transplant surgery, “It’s been a very positive experience for me.”

BBC Radio Scotland Interview

Take a listen to what Pat had to say about his experience at HRBR, Hair Restoration Blackrock in the interview on BBC Radio Scotland.

Pat Nevin hair transplant before and after photos

Pat Nevin hair transplant before after

To find out more about hair transplant surgery or to book an appointment at HRBR Hair Restoration Blackrock, please contact us on 01 2091000 or email us at


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