James Nesbitt Hair Transplant at HRBR – Latest Results

Actor James Nesbitt returned to HRBR recently for his 5th hair transplant procedure with the team. For his most recent hair transplant, James decided to address his crown area, which was of concern to him. On previous visits, the team at HRBR had carried out the successful transplantation of his hairline.
James Nesbitt hair transplant before and after

All together James Nesbitt has had over 10,000 grafts transplanted at HRBR over a 10-year period. With an average of 2 hairs in each graft that is over 20,000 hairs successfully transplanted by the team of surgeons, nurses and technicians at HRBR in Dublin.

James decided to address his hair loss in stages over the 10 years he has been a patient at HRBR. The advantages of this for James, being an actor, have been the changes in his appearance were gradual and he has been able to address the areas of hair loss that concern him at each stage of the process.

James Nesbitt’s Hair Transplant Surgeon

His consultant surgeon says “James was a superb candidate for hair transplant surgery and has had a very good result. By him being open and honest about his hair loss he has helped a huge number of men who were in a similar position. Himself, Louis Walsh and Wayne Rooney have helped to take the stigma away from this type of treatment for men all over the world. It is amazing the results that can be achieved by a well-designed and well-executed hair transplant. For many men like James Nesbitt it can be a life changing experience.”
James Nesbitt hair transplant at HRBR - Before and After

James Nesbitt’s Comments about his Hair Transplant

Here is what James Nesbitt had to say about his experience of hair transplant surgery at HRBR “My new hairline has attracted quite a bit of media attention so I’ve decided to use my positive experience to help other men who are suffering from hair loss. I would advise anyone who is concerned about hair loss to do their research carefully, as I did, before proceeding with treatment. You should also be totally confident that the team you choose to help you are fully qualified to do so.”

Talk to HRBR about Hair Loss

If you are concerned about your hair loss and would like to discuss your treatment options, why not arrange an appointment to meet with one of our doctors, who will talk you through your options.

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