Charlie Thomas’ Hair Transplant at HRBR

Charlie Thomas Hair transplant at HRBR

Charlie Thomas is a former TV presenter with Sky News and Sky Sports who now works as a music documentary maker. Charlie recently had a hair transplant at HRBR. His case was unusual in that Charlie suffered from an area of hair loss from his childhood that never regrew. Charlie was kind enough to share his story in the hope that it might help other people who have suffered from something similar in the past and are considering a hair transplant.

As Charlie says “My story really starts when I was about nine years old, when, completely out of the blue, with no warning at all, my hair fell out. Not the entire head of hair, just in small patches, but still pretty traumatic”. As you can imagine that was a distressing experience for a 9-year old, but thankfully after two or three months his hair had all grown back.  Charlie experienced the sudden hair loss a few times, and each time his hair eventually grew back. The final instance of sudden hair loss was when Charlie was about 13. Unfortunately, on this occasion Charlie’s hair didn’t all grow back, there was one area at the back of his head that remained bald.

I think it would have affected my career if it had been at the front of my head, but because it was round the back, nobody knew about it.

What made Charlie decide to have a hair transplant?

The first factor that made Charlie decide to have a hair transplant was the awareness of getting older. Knowing that sooner or later, his hair was probably going to start getting thinner. He also knew that when that happened, it would get harder and harder to cover up his lack of hair at the back.

What made Charlie Thomas come to HRBR?

Charlie started to research hair transplant surgery. He came across HRBR, and thoroughly researched into our methods. The second factor that made Charlie decide to have a hair transplant was that he also felt the team at HRBR had world class expertise in the field of hair transplant surgery and a reputation for excellence in patient care, something that was very important for a case like his.

Here is what Charlie had to say about his first experience at HRBR “I made an appointment, flew over to Dublin, and as soon as I came through the doors of HRBR, I felt in safe hands. I had the consultation, and the doctor was quite honest. He said, “You know, I’ve actually never come across this before, I don’t know if my methods will work.” So, very sensibly, I thought, he suggested we do a trial, and that’s exactly what we did.”

Several months after the trial Charlie returned to HRBR for a review. Not only had the hair remained in place but it had grown and really taken root. As a result, we were able to recommend a full hair transplant for Charlie.

Charlie Thomas – Hair Transplant Video

Watch this video to see what Charlie has to say before his full hair transplant procedure at HRBR

We’ll leave the final word to Charlie

I’m quite sure there must be other people out there like me, but who don’t know what to do about it. So, what I’d like to say to them is, come and check out HRBR, because I’m here to tell you that it does work. You can do something about it. So, why not do it? It can be life transforming.

Contact Us

If you would like to arrange a consultation at HRBR, please contact us and we will arrange for you to meet with one of our hair loss doctors.

Call us on +353 1 209 1000 or email

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