Bryan Robson’s Hair Transplant at HRBR

Bryan Robson recently had hair transplant surgery at HRBR, one of the world’s leading hair restoration clinics, based in Dublin, Ireland. Bryan is a former professional football player; he has 90 Caps for England, 65 of those as captain. He was the longest serving club captain in the history of Manchester United and is currently a Global Ambassador with the club. Find out about his experience at HRBR.

Why Bryan Robson had a Hair Transplant

Bryan first decided to take steps to deal with his hair loss as a result of some photos taken during a trophy presentation ceremony at Old Trafford.  The angle of some of the photos, taken from behind and at a slightly elevated angle, revealed that the hair loss on his crown was more extensive than he had perceived it to be.

Bryan has friends and colleagues who have had hair transplant procedures; confident in the results that they had achieved, he decided to have hair surgery himself.  Bryan said that twenty or twenty-five years ago he may not have had the same confidence in the procedure.

It’s because I’ve got friends and I’ve seen people like Wayne have it done over the years, that I’m a bit more confident that this is actually worth going through, because it does actually work

Bryan Robson’s Hair Transplant at HRBR

After thorough research, Bryan decided to have his hair transplant surgery at HRBR, Hair Restoration Blackrock in Dublin. On the morning he arrived he said that he was a bit apprehensive about the procedure, but at the same time, he was excited about what the results might look like six months to a year down the line.

After Surgery

Manchester United Global Ambassador Bryan Robson had about 3,800 grafts into the areas he had experienced hair loss. After his hair transplant at HRBR, he was able to spend the night post-surgery in the privacy of a local hotel. Here, Bryan was able to continue his post-operative care routine with the help of his wife.

So what did Bryan have to say about his experience?

Bryan discussed the fact that in the past men couldn’t or didn’t really talk about their appearance, it was not considered the macho thing to do. Nowadays that’s all changed, and when sportsmen and celebrities and people like himself talk about their experiences, it gives others who might be concerned about their hair loss more confidence to have the procedure done themselves.

And his thoughts on HRBR?

The clinic is immaculate, everything they do before they treat you is immaculate…I’m hoping that in six months’ time if I do all the treatment and the aftercare I’m going to be saying ‘wow that is really good’

Bryan Robson Video Testimonial

If you are concerned about your hair loss and would like to discuss your options for hair restoration or hair transplant surgery, please contact HRBR today on +353 1 2091000.

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