Aonghus McAnally Hair Transplant Video Blog

Broadcaster Aonghus McAnally decided to have a hair transplant at HRBR, hair clinic in Blackrock Co. Dublin. Aonghus decided to keep a video blog to document his hair transplant journey. In the Aonghus McAnally hair transplant video blog, Aonghus shares his thoughts as he goes through the experience; we hear how he felt before, during and after the procedure. Six months after his surgery we see the initial results of his hair transplant at HRBR, of course, full results are seen 12 to 18 months after the procedure, but it gives a good indication of how successful Aonghus’ hair transplant at HRBR has been.


So what was the motivation behind Aonghus’ decision to have hair transplant surgery?  He mentions that looking back over his life, starting with his career in a rock band during the 70’s, through to his career in broadcasting; his full head of hair seemed to define him. Over the last number of years, his hair loss has started to affect how he feels about himself.

Day of Hair Transplant Surgery

The video blog gives an insight into the day of the hair transplant surgery itself. Aonghus shares how he is feeling, and his experience of hair transplant surgery at HRBR, before, during and after surgery. The video offers insight into the hair transplant design consultation procedure, and we meet Aonghus half way through the hair transplant where he discusses how painless the whole process is. We also see what he looks like immediately after surgery. It’s a comprehensive insight, through the eyes of a patient, into what to expect from hair transplant surgery at HRBR.

Hair Transplant Post Op

Aonghus shares his experience of his hair transplant procedure in the hours and days post op, from spraying the hair regularly during the first 12 hours post op – to spraying every 30 minutes during waking hours on days 1 to 3 post op.

In the video blog, we meet Aonghus 12 days after his hair transplant, where he addresses his concerns that people might notice he has had a hair transplant while out and about. He shares that nobody noticed anything unusual about his hair, other than his friends and family who can see the difference in his hair and how much more confident he is in himself.

Hair Transplant Surgery – 6 Months Later

Aonghus McAnally’s hair transplant video blog finishes six months post surgery, on the day of a follow-up appointment at HRBR.  Aonghus is happy with his progress, as is Dr. Collins, his hair transplant surgeon.

See the full video blog documenting Aonghus McAnally’s hair transplant and his experience at HRBR, Blackrock.

If you would like to discuss your own hair loss with one of our expert doctors, why not contact us today, and make an appointment?

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