Aonghus McAnally Hair Transplant

Aonghus McAnally talks hair loss and hair transplant surgery with Marian Finucane

RTE’s Aonghus McAnally was a guest on the Marian Finucane Show on RTE Radio 1 this Saturday (June 20th).  Aonghus choose the Marian Finucane Show and his 60th birthday to talk about hair loss and his decision to have a hair transplant.

Listen to the interview here or on the RTE website.

In the interview Aonghus discuss the impact loosing his hair had on his confidence and self image. “Over the last 10 years initially and in the last 5 years particularly the problem just exacerbated a lot, I noticed my hair was thinning and suddenly began to disappear,” he said.

“For me my hair has always defined me,” continued McAnally, who’s best known for his work on Anything Goes, a Saturday morning tv show.

“People would remember, you’re the fella with the hair and the shoes,” he said.

Aonghus is delighted with the results so far, even though it is just three weeks since he had hair transplant surgery.

“I can’t tell you the difference it has made to me. We’re in early days yet it won’t really take shape until the next eight or nine months or whatever,” McAnally said.

A number of print media have written about the interview including the Irish Independent,, The Sunday World, RSVP Magazine, the and Irish Sun.


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