Updated: April 2024.
Prof. Desmond J. Tobin at the Charles Institute of Dermatology at University College Dublin is currently carrying out important research on the hair follicle and how it is targeted in conditions that lead to hair loss.
In order to carry out this research scientists need access to skin samples from patients with hair loss. HRBR has partnered with the UCD Charles Institute of Dermatology to allow patients having a hair transplant at the clinic, participate in the research by providing a small sample of skin, safely removed by the HRBR surgeon during their procedure. Participation is entirely optional.
What will happen if you decide to take part in this research study? A skin sample removed during your surgery will be placed in a nutrient fluid and collected by researchers at the UCD Charles Institute of Dermatology who will then process the tissue for research.
How will your privacy be protected? Your sample will be fully anonymous. It will not be possible to link any scientific data from your sample back to you. The only information about you we need will be your gender, age, skin color and body site of sample. The UCD Charles Institute is not a diagnostic laboratory, so will not assess your skin for disease status. Rather it will only be used for research purposes.
What are the benefits of taking part in this research study? Your involvement will help to advance UCD’s scientific knowledge of hair growth, which would hopefully help with new therapy discovery.
How do I participate in this research study? Patients undergoing a hair transplant procedure at HRBR, can participate in the study. During the procedure it is possible for your surgeon to safely remove a skin sample to be used for research. Your doctor or surgeon will be available to answer any questions you may have about the study and you will need to sign a consent form beforehand.
Where can I find out more? For more information please download the patient information leaflet below. You can also visit http://www.ucd.ie/charles/