All about the ISHRS Conference

International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery Annual Scientific Meeting



For more up to date information on HRBR at the ISHRS conference, please see this post on the ISHRS Conference 2019.

Boston, Massachusetts
20-24th October 2010

The ISHRS is the principal academic forum at which current and novel science (relevant to the treatment of hair loss), is presented and peer reviewed. Scientists and hair surgeons from all parts of the world attend in an effort to ensure that no patient is deprived from the benefits that their disciplines have to offer.

The consultants from HRBR have been involved with this society since its early days and their consultants attended at this meeting both to teach and learn. The Boston meeting this year was attended by Ms Scannell who was a member of the teaching facility. Mr Collins, Mr. Fogarty and Mr. O’ Connor also attended. Teaching and training are an important part of what HRBR stands for and as well as the Boston meeting, Mr. Collins and Ms Scannell were in involved in lecturing in Brazil earlier this year to an international audience.

The HRBR consultants attended the scientific sessions which dealt with the pharmacological aspects of hair loss. There is a new understanding of the endocrinological aspects of female pattern hair loss and a different therapeutic pathway may soon be taken in the treatment of this distressing condition. Science applicable to kidney and hair transplantation is greatly used to ensure improved hair grafts preservation and post transplantation growth and the use of this science in hair transplantation will further improve outcomes.
Diagnostics refinements in hair loss and its better categorization will help to refine the treatment regimes.

Mechanical devices for the extraction of donor hair follicles continue to improve and their field of optimal usage clearly defined. No doubt these will extend the quantity of available donor hair and enable further hair transplantation to be carried even in a situation where the present donor area was felt to be exhausted.

Improved lighting, especially the use of polarized and LED light will permit better handling of delicate white hair which heretofore has always been difficult to transplant due to the narrow pale shafts.

HRBR have always been associated with the use of hair transplantation in restorative plastic surgery used in the treatment of burns, scars and traumatic and congenitical head and facial deformities and it was pleasing to see so many other clinics offering this treatment modality now.

Many of the refinements demonstrated at the Boston Meeting have already been incorporated into the day to day clinical and surgical activities of Samson House. As a result of contacts formed at the meeting consultants at Samson house plan to visit several clinics abroad and will accommodate many senior surgeons from all over the world who will visit the Samson House over the next year. Our patients will reap considerable benefit from these exchanges.

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