Reflections on Consultation

I am just back from the consultation. It went really well. Maurice took a lot of photo’s of my head and when he showed me the pictures. I couldn’t believe how much hair I have lost. I was a bit nervous that I would not have good donor hair (hair at the back of my head), to do a successful job. When Maurice told me that I have a good, strong, healthy hair at the back, it was a relief. Maurice gave me an idea of how many grafts he could take from the donor area and exactly what would happen on the day of the operation. He asked me questions about losing my hair. One situation which stands out in my mind is that I work as an actor and run my own business. On one occasion I was shooting an ad for a retail food store and at one point the cameras stopped and there was a lot of chat with production and crew. The next thing I knew they were trying to angle the camera so that my hair, or lack of it, would not show. Not the best moment in my life I can tell you. I realised that losing my hair was having an impact on my career.

I had loads of questions: Will it hurt? Will people notice? When can I go back to the gym? I am also involved in a seminar nine days after the day and this was a big concern. Will I be the laughing stock of the event? Maurice completely calmed my mind, he explained that it would not hurt and that people would not notice, or maybe they will notice that there is a change but may not be able to put their finger on what it is. I will be able to go back to working out after a month or so after the operation. He told me that I would be perfect for the event 9 days after the operation. I was all set, this was all I needed to hear. I was quite giddy after the meeting, I just could not believe that after all these years I was finally going to have my own hair back. How cool is that?

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